Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Use of Computers In Psychological Diagnosis Term Paper

The Use of Computers In Psychological Diagnosis - Term Paper Example Psychology has a lot of dimensions and there are different types of psychology present. This paper discusses the use of computers in the abnormal psychology. Abnormal psychology The term abnormal psychology can be defined as a branch or type of psychology that studies the behavior patterns of humans that are unusual, the unusual thoughts and emotions that humans possess that may or may not be causing them to be having a mental disorder. The abnormal psychology tends to consist of various reasons for different types of behaviors. The different behaviors observed in the individuals are due to the situations they have undergone and therefore need to undergo a psychological treatment. The medical professionals that come under this category are the psychotherapists, the counselor, and the clinical psychologists that cater towards the unusual and abnormal psychology behavior of the individual (Barlow and Mark, 2004). Intelligence testing The intelligence testing of an individual tends to f ocus upon the level of the functionality of the intellectual aspects of the individual and this is conducted by carrying out various tests for assessing the intelligence level of the individual. There are computerized tests given to the individuals for their intelligence testing and computerized results are obtained for the tests so that an immediate analysis can be given about the intelligence level of the person (Fernald, 2008). All individuals are at different levels of intelligence and according to their level the intelligence tests are conducted for them on computers. Neurobiological diagnosis Schizophrenia is one of the main diseases that are faced by humans and a neurobiological diagnosis is usually conducted for the... The discussion above depicts that computers are highly vital and an essential element in the field of psychology. Abnormal psychology deals with the unusual behaviors of the individuals such as them having fear or having mood disorders like depression and other such factors. Computers play an important role in the treatment of patients of psychological disorder and also it helps towards the maintenance and evaluation of historical records for longer time periods. Computers can store a large amount of data and results that have been obtained for different types of patients and this makes it easy to refer back to any particular case when in time of need. The assessment results obtained can be categorized as valid and reliable as the age of science has advanced drastically and made things to be conducted systematically, efficiently, and effectively. This report makes a conclusion that the use of computers is the assessment procedures of psychology tend to be reliable and have valid assessments to a large extent as everything has been tested before it has been finally implemented for the individuals. Computer technology has advanced to a very large extent and many aspects in the medical informatics as well as in the field of psychology cannot progress further without the use of computers. Computer use is a necessity in the psychological field and with advancement in science it has proves to give reliable and valid results. It has been analyzed by researchers that computer can analyze results in a systematic way and at a sophisticated level as well.

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