Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Celia, a Slave Essay - 1075 Words
Celia, a Slave is the epitome of the relationship between slaves and their owners and also the slaves and other whites in the 1850’s. This is based on her interactions with her owner Robert Newsom and her reactions mainly with the community involved in her court case. These relationships affected more so the women slaves rather than the men slaves because of their weaker nature as perceived by the sexual differences of the time period between men and women in general. Slavery is questioned by the morals of the Northerners and some Southerners though it is common in the South so most Southerners reinforce the ideas of slavery with their own morals, believing slaves as meaningless because of their difference. Celia was bought by Robert†¦show more content†¦Though her story was that of defense from her master: she had acted alone, struck her master to stop his advances, and had not intentionally killed him, Missouri’s pre-Civil War court system was unable to prote ct her claims because she was a slave and they were unwilling to change their beliefs about slaves and how they should be viewed and treated in society. (as proved previously in the case Dred Scott vs. Sandford.) These were the most frequent reactions of the Southerners; however a man named John Jameson took her side and defended her and her actions toward Robert Newsom as acts of defense against his advances, and claimed she had the right, by law, to use deadly force to protect herself against rape, regardless of her previous sexual relations with him. Though, because of the southerners’ hate of the slaves and their desire to treat them as inferiors, they did not deliver the evidence necessary to acquit her for her â€Å"crime.†Having lost the trial, Celia’s attorneys filed a motion to request a new trial on October 11th. However, Judge Hall denied the motion on October 13th and Celia was sentenced to be hung on November 16th. She was given this time before be ing executed to birth her child, as law stated that pregnant women could not be executed. This shows that there is a bit of equality between women when dealing with court systems at this time,Show MoreRelatedCelia, A Slave And The Slave1137 Words  | 5 PagesCelia, a Slave We have been reading a novel called Celia, A Slave. Celia, A Slave was written by a man named Melton A. McLaurin. The book was published in 1991 by the University of Georgia Press. This book that I have consists of one hundred and fourth three pages. In the novel Celia, A Slave, Melton A. McLaurin composes, in great detail, the tragic and true story of a slave named Celia who killed her master and then disposed of him by burning his body in her cabin on June 23, 1855. This was saidRead MoreSummary Of Celia A Slave1416 Words  | 6 PagesCelia, a Slave was a factual interpretation of one isolated incident that depicted common slave fear during the antebellum period of the United States. Melton A. McLaurin, the author, used this account of a young slave woman s struggle through the undeserved hardships of rape and injustice to explain to today s naive society a better depiction of what slavery could have been like. The story of Celia illustrates the root of racial problems Americans still face in their society. Although not nearlyRead MoreThe Trial Of Celia, A Slave1749 Words  | 7 PagesThe trial of Celia, a slave, is a murder case arising out of Calloway County, Missouri wherein Celia (the defendant) 19 years of age, ki lled Robert Newsom her (slave master). Celia was later charged with first degree murder and was sentenced to be hung by William Hall (the judge) for her allegedly criminal intent actions. Upon reading several different articles and a book of this case, I came across every iota I needed to briefly summarize the facts that which led me to believe that Celia was rightlyRead MoreEssay On Celia A Slave1102 Words  | 5 PagesCelia, A Slave was written by a man named Melton A. McLaurin in 1999. Melton has written many books about his lifelong interests of racism. In fact he even received the Lillian Smith award for his book Separate Pasts: Growing Up in the Segregated South and a notable book selection award from the New York Times for Celia, A Slave. Melton says â€Å"The case of Celia A slave reminds us that the personal and the political are never totally separate entities†(xiv). Celia, A Slave is about fourteen year oldRead MoreEssay On Celia A Slave868 Words  | 4 Pag esIn the book Celia, A Slave by Melton A. McLaurin, a slave woman all alone has to cope with a master who is always making her have sex with him. Newson, the master, fathered two children with her. When Celia kills her master, the man she loved turned against her, and she went on trial for Newson’s murder. The author Melton A. McLaurin tells the reader about the lives of the men and women of the nineteen century and about the life and death of a slave named Celia. He wants the reader to understandRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Celia A Slave 1396 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States History I Dr. Heckel 11/23/15 Celia A Slave The book â€Å"Celia A Slave†starts off with mainly a young black girl named Celia. She get sold in a slave auction to a man named Robert Newsom. This man continually rapes Celia who gets pregnant with his child and gives birth to the child. The sad part is that the child she just had would grow up to be her father’s property later in her life. Then it changes when one day Mr. Newsom attempted to rape Celia again when she accidentally killed himRead MoreCelia, A Slave By Melton Mclaurin1433 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Celia, A Slave†written by Melton McLaurin paints a full story of an African slave named Celia in the period of 1850s. She was bought by Robert Newsom, her white master, to serve his sexual relationship. She was put into trial after killing her master in an attempt to stop him from sexual advance and then burned his body in the fireplace. This incident appalled residents in Callaway County and Missouri in a historical period when the neighboring Kansas Territory deeply involved into a furious disputeRead MoreCelia, A Slave : A True Story1045 Words  | 5 PagesPhilip Chapman HTY 141 0001 December 10, 2014 Celia, A Slave: A True Story By: Melton A. McLaurin Published by: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999 The book Celia, A Slave is the factual story about a girl that takes place in Calloway County Missouri. Celia was brought to court for the murder of her master and disposing of his body in her fireplace. The author, Melton McLaurin, describes in graphic detail her sexual abuse from her master, Robert Newsome, and events leading up to her court appearanceRead MoreCelia, A Slave, By Melton Mclaurin986 Words  | 4 Pagesand the South. Slave owners of this time would dehumanize people of color and claim them as personal property. The book, Celia, A Slave, by Melton McLaurin, follows the life of a fourteen-year-old slave named Celia who was viscously raped for several years by her master, Robert Newsom. After the death of his wife, Newsom searched for a slave that could fulfill his sexual needs although he knew that Missouri was going through several debates regarding the issue of slavery. Celia had feelings forRead MoreSlavery And Politics : Celia, A Slave1091 Words  | 5 Page sSlavery and Politics Celia, a Slave was a truthful elucidation of one disengaged episode that delineated basic slave dread amid the prior to the war time of the United States. Melton A. McLaurin, utilized this record of a youthful slave lady s battle through the undeserved hardships of assault and unfairness to disclose to today s guileless society a superior delineation of what servitude could have been similar to. The tale of Celia delineates the base of racial issues Americans still face in
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Sullivan Surname Meaning and Family History
The common Sullivan surname means hawk-eyed or little dark-eyed one, derived from the Irish sà ºildhubhà ¡n, from suil, meaning eye and dubh, meaning black. Sullivan is the 92nd most popular surname in the United States and the third most common surname in Ireland. Surname Origin: Irish Alternate Surname Spellings: OSULLIVAN, OSULLIVAN Famous People with the SULLIVAN Surname Arthur Sullivan - 19th century British conductor and composerLouis Sullivan- widely considered Americas first modern architectAnne Sullivan - American teacher best known for her work with Helen KellerEd Sullivan -  American journalist, producer and TV host; best known for his successful variety program, The Ed Sullivan Show. Where is the SULLIVAN Surname Most Common? The Sullivan surname, according to surname distribution information from Forebears, is most prevalent in the United States, where it comes in as the 81st most common last name. There are more individuals named Sullivan in Ireland, however, based on percentage of population. It is also fairly common in Australia and Wales. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Sullivan 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their Meanings: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census?Sullivan/OSullivan DNA Project: More than 400 members have joined this project for the Sullivan surname (and variants such as OSullivan) to work together to find their common heritage through DNA testing and sharing of information.SULLIVAN Family Genealogy Forum: This free message board is focused on descendants of Sullivan ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Sullivan ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries. FamilySearch - SULLIVAN Genealogy: Explore over 4.9 million results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Sullivan surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.GeneaNet - Sullivan Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Sullivan surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.Ancestry.com: Sullivan Surname: Explore over 11 million digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Sullivan surname on the subscription-based website, Ancestry.com.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Tragedy and Redemption in Toni Morrisons Beloved
Tragedy and Redemption in Beloved This is not a story to pass on.(1) With these enigmatic words, Toni Morrison brings to a conclusion a very rich, very complicated novel, in which slavery and its repercussions are brought into focus, examined, and reassembled to yield a story of tragedy and redemption. The peculiar institution of slavery has been the basis for many literary works from Roots to Beloved, with particular emphasis on the physical, mental, and spiritual violence characteristic of the practice of slavery in the South. A far greater shame than slavery itself is the violence that was directed†¦show more content†¦At the center of the novel is Sethe, a former slave who escaped to the North before the Civil War. When the novel begins, a dark, terrible secret hangs over Sethe that keeps her apart from the rest of the people in her neighborhood. As the novel progresses, the story of her life emerges in a complex patchwork. Sethes life for the most part, had been relatively sheltered; at fourteen, she was sold to Sweet Home, where she was a domestic servant rather than a plantation worker. She also had the amazing luck of six whole years of marriage to that somebody son who had fathered every one of her children(29) - a rarity for a slave in the South. Given these circumstances, the abrupt arrival of schoolmaster and his tyrannical methods was a shock to the sensitive Sethe. For the first time in her life, she is whipped; even worse, she is subjected to a forced suckling by schoolmasters nephews for no reason other than that her husband Halle might have unconsciously challenged schoolmasters domination - Maybe Halle made the mistake of saying my wife in some way that would put a light in schoolteachers eye.(276) Immediately after the incident, Sethe flees to the North to
Friedman s The Economic Framework Of Monetary Policy Essay
Friedman first starts his book with a chapter that deals with the question â€Å"what is money.†Money is any item that has a store of value that can be used to trade. The example of the island of Yap, and how the islanders had money that had come from stones. The islanders of Yap had money that was backed up by an entity that was precious (Friedman 1994). Friedman then relates the example of Yap to the United States and how individuals in the United States trust Federal Reserve Notes mainly because they trust the system which allows the currency not to be pegged to a commodity or specie (Friedman 1994). After showing what money can do for a society and the wealth of that society, Friedman moves into laying the economic framework of monetary policy and how those policies affect the economy overall. The first observation that Friedman makes in his work is that there is a relationship between the nominal growth rate of the money supply and the rate that the nominal income incre ase for an individual (Friedman 1994). That observation can be noted in the Quantity Theory of money equation, MV=PY, where M is the rate of growth in the money supply and Y is the rate of growth in income (Friedman 1994). In the equation, V is velocity, which is held constant, and P is the price level. In the framework of the model, velocity is assumed to be held constant, which means that if the money supply increases and income increases, then the price level has to increase as well. However,Show MoreRelatedMilton Friedman And John Keynes Are Two World Renowned1143 Words  | 5 PagesMilton Friedman and John Keynes are two world renowned economist, with many similar and contrasting views that have helped set the foundation of our economy. Friedman s ideology on subjects such as the Monetary Policy, Gold Standard, and the Theory of the consumption function are what made him a extremely impactful economist. Keynes has made his impact on the modern day world as well in many aspec ts. Both of these economists have helped pave the way to a better, more efficient economy. Monetary PolicyRead MoreThe Economic Schools Of Thought1445 Words  | 6 PagesFreshwater Economics Macroeconomic schools of thought would be prudent to accept certain aspects of the views of other schools of thought to better understand the scope of economic efficiency through the use of various models aimed at understanding the implications that all actions affect outcome. Like other economic schools of thought, Freshwater developed from previous schools of thought as new macroeconomic ideas were discussed and disputed. Neoclassical synthesis was a postwar movementRead MoreCredibility of an Inflation-Targeting Regime1377 Words  | 6 PagesMishkins view (2011) before the recent crisis, inflation targeting was the standard framework for monetary policy with it being seen as highly successful in OECD countries, with low inflation and low variability of inflation. However the recent crisis not only crushed economic activity, creating the most severe world-wide economic contraction since the Great Depression, but it also seemed to destroy confidence in the ability of central bankers to effectively manage the economy. As a result centralRead MoreNotes On Monetary And Monetary Policy Essay1525 Words  | 7 Pages FROM MONETARY TARGETING TO INFLATION TARGETING BY DAVID EYO USANG 138581 List of Abbreviations CB Central Bank ECB European central bank FEDS The federal reserves MP Monetary Policy IT Inflation TargetingRead MoreUnexpected Shocks in the Economy Lead to Fluctuation721 Words  | 3 Pagesshocks which leads to fluctuations, as a result whole economy fluctuates. We are unable to foresee such fluctuations, so economists try their best in studying related situations in their country and rest of the world. They can ´t afford applying a policy and its results. May be the process will be too costly or harmful to test. So they do all these things in paper works, they study the previous literatures, their own economical situation and try to build a good model. Which could be able to answerRead MorePMCN Case Study3324 Words  | 14 PagesThe theory of economics does not furnish a body of settled conclusions immediately applicable to policy. It is a method rather than a doctrine, an apparatus of the mind, a technique for thinking, which helps the possessor to draw correct conclusions. The ideas of economists and politicians, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectualRead MoreMonetary Policies Of The Bank Of England Essay1603 Words  | 7 PagesGiven the power to formulate and implement monetary policies, the Bank of England (the Bank) declared its independence in 1997, taking charge of maintaining price stability and supporting the economic policy of Her Majesty s Government, including its objectives for economic growth and employment. In the following sections, the paper will attempt to assess the Bank’ work and its policies that has been carried out during the economic downturn. As Mizen (2003:196) noted, during the period from 1970sRead MoreThe Ford Pinto Case Analysis Essay1553 Words  | 7 Pages The Ford Pinto Case Iyanda S. OConnor American Military Universtiy BUSN623 The Ford Pinto Case In 1978 a tragic car accident involving three teenager driving a Ford Pinto, model year 1973, caused their car to burst into flames (Hoffman, 1982). The car was struck from behind and the gas tank immediately ruptured (Hoffman, 1982). The Ford Company was then charged for criminal homicide which was historically the first to occur for an American company (Hoffman, 1982). The Judge presidingRead MoreThe Collapse Of The Soviet Union1689 Words  | 7 Pagescollapse of the Soviet Union had ended the communist hold on Eastern Europe and surrounding former communist states. The year 1990 had also marked the beginning of rapid economic and social transition from a communist state to a democratic market based economy. Milton Friedman coined the term shock policy, also referred to as economic liberalism, to describe the abrupt release of currency and price controls, the extraction of state subsidies, large scale privatization of former public owned assets,Read MoreGlobalization, Russia , And Morocco s Economies2165 Words  | 9 Pagesthe 1990’s and the rise of globalization in the 1970’s, neoliberal economic change have transformed transnational markets and contributed to many social implications. This paper will explore the impacts as well as the factors that contributed and shaped the global economic changes in the post-Cold War era. This paper will also explore globalization and neoliberal economic shift through India, China, Russia, and Morocco’s economies. This paper argues Thomas Friedman’s view that while economic shifts
Popular choices for concealed carry Essay Example For Students
Popular choices for concealed carry Essay gc and defense. All Kimber Classic Pistols have a ribbed Commander-style hammer to prevent clothing snags. An enlarged firing pin stop locks the tactical extractor in position for total reliability. Compact and Pro Carry Series pistols have all the features of the Custom, along with a four-inch bushingless bull barrel design that ensures dependability while making them easier to carry and conceal. The unique Kimber bull barrel keeps maximum barrel weight forward, minimizing felt recoil and reducing muzzle lift for faster sight recovery. Keeping weight forward has the added benefit of holding the slide in battery longer, increasing accuracy. In the Kimber design, the slide travels further than on similar pistols. This gives the magazine follower spring more time to properly position the next round, ensuring positive feeding. The Kimber design also uses a single recoil spring. Models differ in both frame material (steel, stainless steel or aluminum) and grip length. Compact models have an Officers-length grip that is .400 inch shorter than full size models, making them easier to conceal. Pro Carry models have the same full length grip as full size pistols, permitting the four finger grip preferred by many shooters. Compact and Pro Carry pistols have a 4-inch bull barrel. The barrel is fitted directly to the slide, eliminating the need for a bushing. Maximum weight is kept forward, increasing accuracy while reducing felt recoil. Kimber uses the finest aluminum available as the basis for frames. Machined from solid blocks on the same machines and to the same precision tolerances demanded from steel, the 7075-T7 material yields frames that have been tested to 20,000 rounds without measurable wear. While reducing weight by six or seven ounces may not initially seem important, it makes a big difference if the pistol is carried every day. New this year is the Pro Carry HD (Heavy Duty) .45 ACP, the first Pro Carry with a stainless steel frame. Compact Series Pistols have a grip .400 inch shorter than the full length Pro Carry, making them easier to conceal. Some Compact and Pro Carry pistols have lightweight aluminum frames. These frames are machined from solid blocks of 7075-T7 aluminum, the hardest and strongest available. This premium material holds the same tight tolerances Kimber demands from steel frames.
Thanks to Daddy free essay sample
The voices are familiar, as a fat baby screams playfully and wiggles on the screen. Her hair is unforgettable curly and the never ending smile on her face is caused by the huge yet gentle hands that are tickling her feet. It is their normal play time; after he returns from a long days work. With just one glance at the look on his face, it is undeniable that she is his pride and joy, and despite the fact that minutes ago he was completly drained, he will be sure to keep up his end of this nightly tradition, because for him the time with her is worth missing an extra hour of sleep. It is a feeling that comforts me when I am forced back to reality and the truth hits just as hard as it did the first time. I am the little girl on the TV screen, fast forward 15 years, and that strong but gentle man is gone forever. We will write a custom essay sample on Thanks to Daddy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My father passed away suddenly on December 2, 2009. He was the rock in my life; always there to support me , there for me regardless of how bad or good the decisions I made were. His passing shook me to my core, it was the second and closest passing to me in three years. Death is one of those things that if you let it can drag you down to a point of no return. And I knew even in the night it happened if I wasn’t careful, this could ruin the person my father had helped create along with all the potential, ideals, and values we had spent so many years building. It was then that I decided that I would learn from the situation, and it was from this situation that I learned what was truely important to me. In the years that followed my fathers passing, there have been many highs and low. But despite it all I have perceviered and persisted to my goals. My father died with little that he set off to do unaccomplished ( St. marteen for his 50th birthday, the Mercedes CLS as his new to y car, having â€Å"his girls†happy -a nickname my mother, my sister and I were well known by even in public- and a vast group of close friends and family), and with this exaple I have known that I have big shoes too fill. And always there for me, helping me to reach the potential and accomplish the goals I have set for myself is my family. Family has always been a major part of my life. I grew up looking forward to BBQs and movie night at my aunts. We were always silently there for one another, lending a helping had when asked. But since the passing of my father, the bond that once held us together has been strengthened to a point before unseen. I can no longer imagine a day that I did not simply hear from my cousin Corbin for a simple†watsup†, or a week where my Grandmothers voice was not resonating from my voicemail with her just checking. After the loss of the person, who’s job it once was to keep us all connected we have all stepped up and taken the r esponsibilty of keeping ourselves connected adnd involved in each others lives. The passing of my father has made it obviously apparent to me that family is the most important this in my life. From them and with them everything else lines up and falls into place. My education, then encourage and support me with. Emotional issues, they are always there to listen and help me with my problems. Bored, my Aunt Pam is sure to have a good movie to watch with her famous chocolote strawberry brownies. My family is the most important thing to me and my father helped me realize that.
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